Menlo Park Academy
The Phoenix represents the cycle of life and death; it is a mythological bird from Greek and Egyptian mythology. The image of a phoenix rising from the flames is what we emphasize to our students; there is time to start anew.
Welcome to the 2024-2025
School Year!
Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year
8:30-9:32 Block 1
9:35-10 : 37 Block 2
10:40-11:42 Advisory
11:42-12:12 : Lunch
12:12-1:14 : Block 3
1:17-2 :19 Block 4
2:22- 3:24 Block 5
Menlo Park Academy follows the Minneapolis Public Schools calendar
Menlo News:
Due to winter weather conditions Menlo will not be in session today March 5, 2025. It is an e-learning day and students have been sent a Google classroom invite to their MPS email. If they need help accessing their account please have them reach out to either Liz or myself. Thank you!
Liz- 314-324-3668 or
Cat- 623-776-5177 or
We will return to school tomorrow, Thursday, March 6,2025. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Have a safe and fun school day!
Hello Menlo Families,
Winter Weather Updates and Information:
Menlo Park Academy follows the Minneapolis Public School District for snow days. If MPS calls off school, Menlo Park will not have school. Please check the MPS website,, for live updates.
Menlo Park Team
Menlo Family Conferences: Menlo conferences will be on January 23rd, from 1-6PM. Please fill out this form if you know in advance what time you will attend. Drop-ins are also welcome at any time between 1 and 6PM. We hope to see you there!
Below are lists from the United Way of resources for Thanksgiving and the Holidays
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Infinite Campus Portal:
You may check your student(s) progress by logging into Student & Parent Portal — The Source (
Any student smoking a vape or seen with one will be sent home, and their guardian(s)/parent(s) will be contacted. Thank you for your support in keeping our community safe. Please feel free to reach out to Tony or Cat with any questions or concerns.
Menlo Park 2024 / 2025 Testing Schedule:
DATE(S): February 26, 2025
Listening & Reading 8:30 a.m.-11:42 p.m.
Speaking & Writing 12:12p.m.-3:24 p.m.
MAKE-UP DATES: Anytime before March 21, 2025
TEST: MCA Reading / MTAS Reading
LOCATION: Cat’s Room
8:30 a.m.-11:42 a.m.
DATE(S): April 14, 2025
MAKE-UP DATES: April 18, 2025
( All current sophomores take the MCA reading test.)
LOCATION: Tech Lounge
8:30 a.m.-11:42 a.m.
DATE(S): April 15, 2025
MAKE-UP : April 18, 2025
( All current juniors take the MCA math test.)
TEST: MCA Science/MTAS Science
LOCATION: Tech Lounge
8:30 a.m.- 11:42 a.m.
DATE(S): April 17, 2025
MAKE-UP: April 18, 2025
( All current students that are taking biology or life science.)
LOCATION: Resource Room & Cat’s Room
8:30 a.m.-3:24 p.m.
DATE(S): April 24, 2025
MAKE-UP: May 1, 2025
Testing Schedule Link:
Below are the demo and practice links for students that may be taking the ACCESS tests. Please reach out to Cat with any questions at 623-776-5177. Thank you!
Test Demo:
Test Practice:
Upcoming School Breaks
Winter Vacation 12/23/2024-1/2/2025
School will resume on: 1/6/2025
We hope you all have a wonderful vacation and we will see you next year!
Please contact Cat Bonaventura at
or call 623-776-5177 with any questions or concerns.
We offer a full range of subjects required for graduation, each with a focus on high-interest, real-life learning. Classes are designed to meet the needs of many kinds of learners, including visual, linguistic, kinesthetic, auditory, and interpersonal learners.
Courses range from basic skills to college prep work, and class size varies from eight to twenty students.
Students are able to make up credits through independent study projects and out-of-school employment. In addition, credit-earning internships are available to connect students with future careers and with their community.
Staff provide assistance to seniors and their families as they go through the steps of moving on to employment, college, or technical programs. This assistance includes financial aid resources, application assistance, college visits, and career guidance.
Staff encourage students to keep in touch after graduation and to use former teachers as a resource as they move out into the world.
Personal Growth
Our Advisory Program provides each student with additional support by tracking class credits, maintaining parent contact, and helping students with academic goals.
Advisors also coach students as they build problem-solving skills on issues ranging from school, jobs and family. They serve as liaisons for students to other staff in case of conflict and advocate for students' needs.
Counseling services are available on-site with part-time Mental Health Therapists.
Families receive a mailed update on their student's progress every three weeks. Parents/guardians are always welcome to call for more frequent updates or to schedule a meeting with advisors or other staff.
Location: 1700 2nd St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Bus tokens are provided for students living more than two miles from school. Bus Route 11 stops in front of the school building.
Our school day lasts from 8:30 am to 3:25 pm.